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Am I next? Or, are you?

The police has hunted down the terrorists behind the recent bomb blasts in New Delhi. Everyone who knows those 'terrorists' is shocked. After all they were just normal people living their normal lives. How could he be a terrorist?

One of them was giving his exams when his fellow 'terrorists' were being encountered a few kilometers away. Were they really terrorists? That's the question.

In the past, the police had often ended up encountering normal people. And a few days after the encounter they were left with red faces, when the innocence of the encountered 'terrorists' were proven.

So it isn't too hard to assume that the police might well have found an easy way to get out of the mess, or well, not get into the mess. Simply put forward the theory of normal men-terrorists. What does that mean? Well simply put, before someone points out that the dead or arrested were normal people. The police itself puts forward the theory that these were people who did everything that normal people did and lived like them, but along with that they participated in terrorist activities.

Well the next thing that you know... well you or I may be rounded up while giving one of our exams and charged with something similar.

Let's just imagine this scenario, I am giving my next trimester exams- specifically, Strategy Implementation. All of a sudden the media and Anti-Terrorist Squad gherao the college. The next thing that you and I know, I am charged with Strategising and Planning some bomb blast(ironically, after (almost) sleeping through two trimesters of Strategy classes). Everyone who knows me is saying that it is not true. The police says that I am a terrorist and I till date was living like a normal guy, but side by side was also doing the Strategic planning and Implementation of the bomb blasts.

Now just re-read the above stanza aloud, the I this time is you. What do you say? How does it feel???

Note: I do not intend to state that the people arrested in this case were militants or innocent. I do not have enough information to comment. Nor do you. I just intend to say that it is so difficult to know what the truth is for laymen like us...

Between... just heard there was another bomb blast in Delhi today! Am I next? Or, are you?

Am I next? Or, are you?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

A Figment of Imagination? Oh, Really!!!

I was just watching Da Vinci's Code. It was lying with me since ages but somehow I just never got the time to watch it. Now that I did, I loved it. I haven't read the novel, if I were to believe what my friends say, the movie would have disappointed me if I had seen it after reading the novel.

Anyway this post is not about that. It's about what this blog is about, the random stuff that keeps coming to my mind.

Everyone laughed at Newton when he theorised about Gravity. They didn't believe in him and what he said. Suppose he also didn't, then there would have been no scientific discoveries using Gravity, Gravity might have never been found. This is not a lone example, there are plenty. It happens everyday, all around us. What is true, is what people believe to be true, not the absolute truth. Even people who have been falsely implicated, sometimes reach a psychological state where they start believing that they commited the act. It is all about the believing.

Faith - it is also about believing.

You love a person because you believe, many times subconsciously, that the person adds onto you. Good is Good and Bad is Bad because you believe them to be. Maybe that is not the way it is.

Maybe some of those fiction stories that we read, they were also true. Not a figment of the author's imagination but a fact that was visible to only the author of the work due to his/her supreme level of awareness of the surroundings and the decent intelligence level.

How easy is it to make a person believe in what you have to say? Well assuming the person is of average level of intelligence and awareness(which I can quite safely assume is very poor as compared to the intelligentsia) it is rather easy. Just follow the following steps:
1. You present to the person some fact that he/she also knows to be a fact.
2. Next, present facts which the person is unaware of.(Trust me you'll find aplenty)
3. Interpret all the facts in whatever way you want to, just maintain a (seemingly) logical flow.
4. Next, start contorting the facts the way you desire the person to believe them.
...and You're on.

Now that you know this simple and truthful fact, if you have the basic necessary skills(oratory etc), you can become the next Spiritual Leader or a Business Guru or the most accliamed documentarist or whatever.

Well... maybe Da Vinci's Code is not fiction, it is not a figment of Dan Brown's imagination, maybe it's true. And what the Christian's the world over have faith in and humans the world over believe to be the truth isn't the truth.

A Figment of Imagination? Oh, Really!!!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Let them Enjoy!

I was just thinking about a way to bring equality in the masses in the financial sense. Why is the economic gap widening, the reasons behind it...

I came to the conclusion that the School Teachers teaching in the best schools of the country, Doon, GD Goenka, Modern, DPS - RKP, Mayo etc unknowingly play a great role in the process. This is how.

Almost all the bade baap ki aulaads who study in these schools are not interested in studying, once they reach their teenage years all they want to do is some doping, laundiyabaazi and herogiri. But the teachers in these schools, who no doubt are some of the best in the country, manage to get a good proportion of these kids to life, to studies. This is a dis-service to the nation, only if someone told them.

These kids given the resources they've got manage to efficiently utilise their time, and hence, with an amount of effort(overall) much lesser than the Ram, belonging to a  Lower Middle Class(LMC) or poor family, they are able to get into the best colleges in the country and abroad.

Even if they are not intelligent enough, their papas manage to get seats in some of the best colleges in the country and abroad. They study, and come back to add more  to the coffers of the family.

On the other hand, if the teachers would have let the kid enjoy and do what he wanted to. He would become a drug addict or something close to it, papa dear will ensure that his bachcha does not have any problem.

To look after his business he would look for a person who has done his engineering and MBA from the best colleges in the country, and our dear Ram would become the CEO of his company(he was able to get into the best colleges in the country because papa's bachcha's were not there to hijack the seats.).

In an extreme case this might lead our country out of the problems that it is in.

Let's take an example, Rahul Gandhi. If he would have been allowed to become a drunkard and doper like Pramod Mahajan's son(whatever his name is) he would have probably shot Mama dear(like PM's brother did to him) and himself ended up in jail. The end of the Gandhi dynasty. The country would finally have been free of the dynasty era.

So I request all the teachers who are teaching in the top schools of the country, padhane ka zyaada shaunk hai to government school mein ja kar padhao na, don't teach my rich friends too much of your good stuff, let them enjoy!

Let them Enjoy!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

If you wanna be successful, you gotta be skinny...

…thats what I heard while I was working on my project in the office. It was said in jest by one of the female firang colleagues of mine to another colleague. I don't have any idea what the context was, so, since all the girls in her department are fairly skinny I presume it was just a generic statement.

After hearing the statement my first reaction was to think about all the fat ladies who are successful, astonishingly none came to my mind. In politics there is Mayawati, in Acting there is Whoopie Goldberg, in Choreography there is Saroj Khan, but in corporate world at the apex none. Probably you'll find an odd example, which I've missed out because of my not so good General Knowledge, but in general fat ladies just don't exist at the apex of the corporate world.

I thought about what could be the reason for that. Looking at it from a rather colloquial point of view, fat ladies don’t look good so they don’t succeed. True? I don’t think so. If we assume that this is the case then….. While certainly a lot of the ladies who rise the corporate ladder have a fair contribution to their success from their looks, they also have to be fairly smart to know how to make use of the looks and not get used-and-disposed, right?

Looking at it from a very different point of view, the following in my point of view is one of the reasons, there are a whole lot more. In the male-dominated society a woman who wants to reach to the top has to work very hard. In the process she has to live a highly active lifestyle, which results in her being prim and fit. What do you think?

If you wanna be successful, you gotta be skinny...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

You say it all, but you aren't heard...

Something very simple, yet not understood be people, not followed by people. So much so that I myself somehow have been unable to implement it till now. Of course, silent and heard, I was, ages ago when one of my favorite lines used to be 'Kam bolo, aur apne lafzon ko thodi importance do.' Then due to certain reasons I changed. And now I am struggling to gain that composure again.

Coming back to the point, the technique to be heard is rather simple, say what you want to say in a
deep, clear voice, with the right intonation at the right pace using minimum number of words and make your sentences short. You will be heard and understood (Of course conditions always apply :). People who speak unclearly are not heard. People who speak fast are not heard. People who use excessive verbiage are not heard. People who use excessively long sentences are not heard.

Just remember the following 5 point model:

You say it all, but you aren't heard...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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