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Some of you may have Scorpion Children, so... :)

Well, primarily meant for believers in horoscopes/Zodiacs etc. Am I one? Not really. Though, don't mind reading stuff where nice words have been used for me ;)

Scorpios get a lot of bad press. They are vindictive, mean, and obsessed with sex. That’s not really fair. Scorpio rules the house of sharing. They are the stewards of sharing money, resources, love, and yes sharing each other’s bodies. It is their deepest most spiritual need to be completely connected, loved, and sharing from the depth of their soul. It is from this place that they are so easily hurt. Wounded Scorpios are a force to be reckoned with and yes, they are famously ruthless and cruel. How do you keep your own Scorpio child from becoming obsessive and mean?

Love them. Yes, all children need to be loved, but Scorpio children need to be loved at such a deep personal connected level. The worse thing you can do to a Scorpio child is to ignore them. They feel emotionally abandoned and never really learn to trust anyone again. You absolutely must make sure that your Scorpio child knows that you love them. Touch them with purpose. They need parents that are fully present paying attention to them. They are high maintenance children until they are convinced that they are loved unconditionally, then they become extremely self-reliant. They need to hear you tell them that you recognize them as the incredible souls that they are. They need to be taken seriously. Do not laugh off the dreams of a Scorpio child. You will crush their spirits and once they are crushed, they are cursed. Hug them with strength. Love them with your entire being. Really listen to them when they talk to you. They are incredibly wise old souls from the day they are born. They probably know you better then you know yourself. Acknowledge them and their incredible minds.

Share with them. They must believe at the very deepest core of their being that it is safe to share their hearts. They feel abandoned if you only offer them superficial conversation and light fluffy family dynamics. They need the meat and potatoes kind of parenting. Talk to them openly. Tell them your thoughts. Role model open communications and how beneficial it is when trying to deeply connect with another. Scorpios only become sneaking and secretive as a way of self-protection. Show them that by openly sharing one’s thoughts, feelings, and love that real connection is achieved. They hunger for that deep connection. Show them positive ways to get it.

Discipline them. Scorpios are extremely strong willed and powerful by nature. They know exactly who they are and that most people do not have the strength, knowledge, nor stamina to match their own. They have a tendency to believe that they were born with a crown on their heads and that they do not have to follow the rules that other people follow. They will laugh and mock you as you lay down the rules. You have to be strong and firm while teaching Scorpios that yes, the rules do apply to them too. If you are a dictator in your parenting style, they will imitate you and become dictator-like also. If you cave in to their charm and their constant attempts at persuasion then they will use charm and persuasion to get their way in life. If you beat them into submission, they will do the same. They have to be disciplined in a way that is strong, meaningful, and firm. They have to know without a doubt that you love them with all your heart and that they still have to follow the rules. They have to learn the basic lesson that there are repercussions for making bad choices. If you do not teach them, they will believe that they are above the law.

Scorpios are known for having problems with drugs and alcohol. They often need to escape the cruel realities of life. The real world seldom meets their deep spiritual needs for true sharing and connection. Teach them as children how to get these needs met and you will have an adult with more willpower and focus then most people can comprehend. Raise your Scorpio in violence, anger, negativity, and loneliness and you will create an adult capable of being selfish, manipulative, and extremely revengeful.

Adult Scorpios raised to use their gifts and powers in a positive constructive manner are among some of the most amazing people. They give so much back to the world once they know that they are deeply connected to it. They will give their last dollar to a stranger in need because sharing is what they do best. Healthy happy Scorpios are the most passionate and loyal spouses, employees, and members of society. Raise your Scorpio well and you will give an incredible leader to the planet. They have the brilliance, compassion, and stamina to create anything they set their minds to. Scorpios can change the world.


Some of you may have Scorpion Children, so... :)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Driving Wrong Way?

Originally posted on October 7, 2008 somewhere else. As a part of the restructuring of my online activities that blog has also been deleted. So the first and only post there(this one) has been moved here:

Researchers have been administering placebos to the persons suffering from Alcohol Dependence. They prevent the pleasure that is derived from alcohol by stimulating the pleasurable effects of alcohol by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain. Therefore, the motivation for drinking alcohol decreases resulting in a fall in consumption.

So, in effect the drug ensures that the pleasurable effects of alcohol are not felt by the patient thus, eliminating the benefit that he/she derives from drinking it.

Now, I was just wondering whether there is a better solution to it. The reason why I feel that this is not the best solution is because once the person stops taking the drug, he would again be able to feel the benefits and a single incidence of alcohol consumption might trigger addiction.

What could be a better solution?
Driving Wrong Way! Or well, if the current way is wrong, then the right way.

It is well known that the same chemical in the brain can be produced as a result of various activities or substance and perform various functions. Now suppose we replace alcohol with some activity or substance which might have a similar effect on the person but to a reduced degree and is not harmful to him. What happens in this case is that we are able to help the person to get over alcohol addiction which is not good for the patient's body. instead of eliminating the pleasurable effect, we might be able to get the person to perform an activity that is beneficial to him and to the society as well.

Sounds Crazy?
Endorphin is a chemical released by the body in response to pain. While it reduces pain, it also enhances the positive body sensations. Simply stating a person gets pleasure from pain! Reminds you of something?

The biggest advantage of doing this will be that the person is already addicted to something that gives him a pleasure of a particular variety(related to the chemicals being released) so the chances if getting back to alcohol to stimulate that particular part of the mind is as good as eliminated. Anyway, if he is addicted to the positive activity he may not even get the time to drink alcohol!

Driving Wrong Way?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

2 Autowallahs..

Originally posted on October 27, 2008 somewhere else. As a part of the restructuring of my online activities that blog has been deleted. So the first and only post there(this one) has been moved here:

Ah... finally, the first post on this blog, months after I created it. The blog is about people around me, those who have knowingly, unknowingly made me whatever I am. And the people whom you know are not the only ones who make you what you are, an equal or possibly a more important role is played by strangers. And so I begin this blog with an account about a stranger.

The festive season has begun, with the advent of Diwali. And so has the week-long vacation period. I started from Mumbai yesterday evening to reach Delhi today afternoon in Sampark Kranti(Connection + Revolution). The train was about 15 minutes late, Indian railways has indeed improved. To reach home from the railway station I usually take an auto. Sometimes pre-paid, other times bargained. Indian autowallahs and cab drivers are considered to be some of the most notorious in the world, with the success rate in fleecing in some parts of the country as high as 98.3%. The cab drivers internationally, if the various travelogues that I have read be taken into account, are not very different. Some more, some less, but sab ek hi thalli ke chate batte hain.Ofcourse, there are exceptions. The japanese cab drivers and the japanese people in general are considered to be some of the most honest in the world.

Anyway, the Delhi auto drivers are a class apart, they are experts in fleecing the most experienced travellers. The image is so strong that they are considered to be the worst in the country. But then those people who say so haven't travelled a lot in this country. As far as my experience goes bangalore autowallahs are the worst, followed by Delhi. Bangalore auto-wallahs not only fleece you, they are extremely rude. I have heard innumerable accounts of their misbehavior especially with girls.

Delhi auto wallahs lie to you, cheat you, and fleece you, but they are rude very rarely. Remember the term 'rude' is relative. Being a Delhiite I am quite used to the level of rudeness prevelant here, if you're from some first world country you might be in for a shocker. Bangalore was a shocker for me.

Last time(about a month back) I had bargained, I had sensed that there was a rise in the pre-paid prices so I settled for an amount which was about 34% more than what I paid last to last time. Because I was not sure about the pricing I chose to take a pre-paid slip(If you're a first time traveller, this is the best option that you've got). Since, it was high rush time, and auto-wallahs could find easy killings the pre-paid stand was empty. I went to the Traffic police constable, who stopped an auto for me. I put my luggage in, did not thank the hawaldaar(I was not happy with his reaction, and sensed the auto-wallah might play foul) and got into the auto.

The moment the autowallah moved out of the station I had a feeling that he was not taking the right route. With so much construction going on around the city, and with the trust that the religious leaders exhort us to repose in our fellow human beings, I chose to be ignorant. Anyhow, I wasn't going to pay him a penny extra, all I had was a piece of paper from him(the pre-paid voucher).

After about 5 minutes -

The auto stops all of a sudden, "Bhaisahib, the wire has broken. It will take me 10 minutes to set it right". I knew he was fooling around. I braced myself to the situation and prepared to do something that I am bad at, probably because I hate it, to 'screw' him. He moved towards an auto coming in our direction, I heard him asking for a wire. Then he asked the auto-wallah to take me to my destination.

"I will take 60 rupees."

"There is a prepaid slip, take that. Keep all of the money, don't give anything to me."

He agreed. I transferred my luggage. After about 10 minutes on the road, the second auto-wallah said "he was bringing you from the wrong route. He should have brought you from Lodhi Road. You would have been home by now."

"I know." I knew he was right. But these auto-wallahs are all almost the same, bitching about each other, about how wrong the other person is and how right they are, is one of their passtimes. I just looked at him in the rear-view mirror and smiled.

Then, when we were near the AIIMS flyover, this incident happened. There was this cycle-rickshaw puller, with about 10-15 heavy mattresses on his cycle rickshaw, pulling his rickshaw over the flyover. He was on his feet, that's all that I could see of him, applying whatever strength he had to pull the load to the top of the hill. The auto-wallah saw what was happening, moved the auto to the left(toward the rickshaw-wallah). He took out his left foot and put in on the rickshaw frame from behind and put his hand on the gas full throttle(the accelerator 'pedal' in an auto is in the handle). In a few seconds both the ricks were on the top of the flyover. I saw the hand of the cycle rickshaw puller coming out of the mattresses on the right, gesticulating that's good enough. The auto-wallah pulled back his leg. We moved ahead, the cycle rickshaw puller looked at the auto-driver and smiled. That said it all. Sometimes words are just not required.

I felt like tipping the auto-wallah, yeah a scrooge like me decided to tip. This chap deserved it.

Five minutes on and I reached my home. Actually, usually I get down at the Arya Samaj Temple and from there walk home. So that's where I got down, the Arya Samaj Mandir.

I gave him the chit. While I waited for him to open and check it, I asked:

"What's your name?"


"Where are you from?"

"Sarita Vihar"

"I meant where do you belong to, Delhi?"

"Ji Sahib. I am a Dilliwallah.". I suspected it.

He looked at the chit and said, "Sahib the chit says 55, after the Service Charges I'll get only Rs 50. I said 60, give me atleast Rs 5 more."

I looked at him and smiled, "I don't think I have the change. But if I do its all yours." I suspected I only had a Rs 2 Coin. I managed to find a Rs 5 coin.

I gave him the coin. He looked at me and smiled. Then he folded his hands, smiled and said "Agar koi bhool chook hui ho to maaf karna sahib, dhanyavaad".

I smiled back.

2 Autowallahs..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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