I'd like to begin with a thank you meant just for you for being a reader/follower of this blog. Its difficult to read, leave alone understanding the semantics of my words, which are more often than not coated with a highly acerbic/acromonious layer and what is perceived by many to be a condescending tone. Few have been able to understand the sarcasm and the humour that the words are loaded with. And these few deserve accolades for this is no mean feat.
Now coming to the reason for this post. As a part of the consolidation of my blogs this blog is being merged with my master-blog: Estudiante De La Vida. While some of you have already added yourself to the blog, others were till now unaware of its existence. To these 'others': If you like the ramblings produced by this humdrum being, do join the site or subscribe to the feeds.