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I am 25

Visit Verbal Prison ( for more.
I am 25,
quite sick of my life,
waiting for death to arrive,
but she does not come.

Like all females,
she smiles and teases,
makes you wander behind her,
but she does not come.

Life isn't better,
then if I were on a stretcher,
making love to death,
as the 'boys watch on.

For some there is happiness galore,
materialistic, senseless, totally psyched out
more than me, much more!

The search for sanity goes on,
the indelible marks of life hang on,
hit, hurt, ready to fall,
as the people watch on.

I am 25,
quite sick of my life,
waiting for death to arrive,
but she does not come.

I am 25SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

I hate myself when a friend is in a situation and I can't help :(

Visit Verbal Prison ( for more.

I hate myself when a friend is in a situation and I can't help :(SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

I am quite capable of being bad. But I choose not to be. And that is why, I feel, I'm good.

Visit Verbal Prison ( for more.

I am quite capable of being bad. But I choose not to be. And that is why, I feel, I'm good.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Brain has the power to lead the heart. Heart has the power to guide the brain. Together they have the power to make a true human.

Visit Verbal Prison ( for more.

Brain has the power to lead the heart. Heart has the power to guide the brain. Together they have the power to make a true human.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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