In case you haven't guessed already, elections is what this is about. Today is May 7th 2009 and the Delhi phase of Lok Sabha elections is on. A whopping 40 candidates from the South Delhi constituency to which one belongs. Only three major parties: Congress, BJP, BSP... the rest belong to small parties, social groups(NGOs, Women Empowerment Groups etc) or are independent.
The kind of enthusiasm that was there in the voters was amazing. Educated people from well-to-do families seem to have realised the importance of their vote as they turned out in droves at the polling booths. The kind of enthusiasm about the elections that is there amongst one's peers, most of whom are young professionals(MBAs, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers), is also quite amazing. People are using FaceBook, Orkut and other such sites to convey to their friends that they have voted and are proud of it! One has voted too and is proud of it :)
And the new trend of casting negative votes has also begun. Though the usefulness of that option in the present day scenario is debatable, it is still good to know that people are freely voicing the fact that none of the candidates in their constituency is deserving enough to be voted for.
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